Nissin Kogyo Co. Ltd. (hereinafter called “our company”) considers one of the most important subjects of management as well as the basics of business activities to recognize the importance of individual information gained from the stakeholders and protect the information.

Our company decided on the following basic directions and makes known these directions thoroughly to all the employees in order to present the services of the safety, security and trust to all customers. Our company observes them.

1.Basic Policy

  1. Our company observes the other laws and regulations related to the protection law of personal information. We are also trying to make a continuous improvement of the intra-company regulations of personal information (hereinafter called “our intra-company regulation”) as well as to decide, execute and maintain them.
  2. Our company is trying to make known our intra-company regulations to our executives and employees and observe them thoroughly as well as to establish the management system of personal information.
  3. Our company handles the personal information within the utilization purposes clarified to customers. We never disclose the personal information gained from our customers to third parties except that there are consents with customers or any just reasons.
  4. Our company improves information security and executes the continuous revision of the security in trying to prevent the illegal access to personal information and the leakage, loss and injury of personal information as well as maintains the accurate and latest personal information.
  5. Our company deals sincerely and rapidly with the request to the inquiry and disclosure of personal information from customers.

Enacted on October 20, 2010 
Managing Director of Nissin Kogyo Co. Ltd.
Yuichiro Asano

2.Utilization Purposes of Personal Information

In case personal information is gained from our customers, our company clarifies the utilization purposes in advance and uses its information within its utilization purposes.  In case there is need to utilize personal information beyond the utilization purposes clarified beforehand, our company uses the information by notifying them of that effect and obtaining the consent with customers. The utilization purposes of personal information that our company keeps are shown in the following.

  1. Personal Information of Customers:
    • Business Talks, Business Meetings or Appointments, etc.
    • Mailing Commodities, their Materials, etc.
    • Mailing Services and Event Information
    • Presentation of Customer Support and its Maintenance
    • Inquiry and Consultation
    • Presentation of Services to Various Types of Membership
    • Development of Services, Execution of Questionnaires and Execution of Testers
    • Fulfillment of Contracts
  2. Personal Information on Employment Applicants
    • Presentation of Employment Information to Applicants for Jobs (including internship) and Contact to them
    • Employment Operation Management at Our Company

3.Proper Acquisition of Personal Information

Our company performs proper and fair means to acquire personal information.

4. Presentation of Personal Information

  1. Our company never reveals nor presents personal information to third parties except for the following.
    1. There is consent with customers.
    2. There is a case that is related to laws.
    3. There is difficulty to get the consent of customers in order to protect the lives, bodies and property of people
    4. Case where the handling of personal information is consigned within the necessary limitations to achieve utilization purposes
    5. Case where business operation is succeeded by company amalgamations, company splits, business transfer operations and other reasons.
  2. In case it is judged that affiliated companies of ours or distributors should cope with service presentations, enquiries, etc. to our customers regardless of the afore-mentioned item (1), our company might present the addresses, names and telephone numbers of our customers to the affiliated companies concerned. In this case customers can stop the presentation of their personal information to the affiliated companies concerned.

5.Inquiry of Personal Information

Please contact us by use of the enquiry form for inquiry of the disclosure, correction and deletion of customers’ personal information.

6.Other Items

  1. In order to offer good services to the Web site concerned regarding access information, there might be a case where our company gets access log information. We will appreciate your cooperation. The acquisition of access log is not intended to identify the particular personal information of a customer.
  2. At our Web site we use partly “Cookie” in order to utilize the site more comfortably. Because Cookies or IP addresses are not considered to identify a particular individual through them, we don’t think them personal information. Furthermore, the information on Cookies can be prohibited by setting up a browser.